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AYBL Schedule

AYBL Schedule

AYBL Schedules

     a.  Coaches will not be allowed to requests block out dates as voted on by the AYBL Board of Directors.  No block out dates can be honored for the end of year tournaments.

     b.  Once the schedule is published and released to all teams, there will be no changes to the schedule unless deemed necessary by the Director.  Schedule is available online at www.quickscores.come/aybl and through the link on the AYBL website.  Schedule is subject to change and it is highly suggested that periodic review be made.

     c.  School cancellations will always be made up.  Snow day and inclement weather games will be made up if possible.

     d.  The AYBL Board of Directors will give the  Executive Director great latitude to get teams to make up games that are postponed or cancelled due to inclement weather.

     e.  The League Director will have the final determination given all the facts if a game is to be determined a forfeit or no game if he is unable to get the two teams to agree on a make up date and time.  A forfeit fee of $75.00 will be paid by team(s) that are responsible for the forfeit and must be paid by their next scheduled game.

     f.  The AYBL philosophy is to try to find a way to play the game so the kids gain experience as no one benefits from a forfeit or game that is not played.

     g. The Executive Director will have great latitude to determine if a game is a forfeit, no game, make up, etc., in the event that gym space from APS does not permit make up games.  AYBL can not schedule around other sports with 150+ teams this year! 

    h. All teams will play two games on average per week throughout the season.  

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